Ward Harper, Attorney at Law

Ward Harper, Attorney at Law (Phone: 801-272-7900 or 1-800-765-2141) (website: www.wardharper.com )

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2010 Results

In 2010, up through the administrative law judge hearing, I won 110 cases and lost only 2.  Those two cases are on appeal to the Appeals Council of the Social Security Administration.

You should have hired an atttorney be the time you have a hearing.  I would suggest hiring one much earlier.  It should be obvious that the attorney needs to have experience with Social Security law and with the Utah judges.  The attorney should practice regularly before the judges who will hear your case.  All the judges are different.  If your attorney does not know how the judge thinks, he cannot do as good as job as one who does.  Because of this fact, you should not hire a national firm.  There are various firms that advertise on tv or have misleading websites that pretend to be government sites.  Many of them do not even have attorneys representing their clients because it is cheaper to hire someone else.  Hire the best.  It won't cost you any more money because any reputable attorney charges a standard fee of 25% of past-due benefits or $6000, whichever is less.

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