Ward Harper, Attorney at Law

Ward Harper, Attorney at Law (Phone: 801-272-7900 or 1-800-765-2141) (website: www.wardharper.com )

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Secret Judge Policy

Social Security recently announced a policy that they will not let you know which judge is assigned to your case prior to the day of the hearing.  A hearing before a judge is the third stage in the process, after you have been denied on the initial claim and on reconsideration.  All judges are different, so it helps to know the judge!!  That is why you should have a local attorney.  And because of my experience, I can usually tell who the judge will be, even though they will not tell you.

Listing of Impairments

To determine whether you are eligible for Social Security or SSI disability benefts, Social Security goes through a five-step disability evaluation process.  The listing of impairments is the third step in the process.  If you meet the criteria of one of these listings, you will be found disabled without considering your age, education or work experience.  Not all physical or mental conditions are common enough to appear, but you can find a list of them here.  Call our office today to find out more about Social Security disability benefits.